Postnatal Care

The postnatal period commences from the moment the baby is born until the baby is 28 days old. For the mother many normal physical changes occur. For normal or Caesarean Section births women would expect to remain in hospital for three to five days depending on her self and her baby’s progress. During her hospital stay Dr. M. Lazanakis will visit to ensure good physical recovery, while Fiona McIntosh will be available to offer baby feeding support, generally baby care and advice on post-birth recovery including pelvic floor exercise instruction, light exercise and dietary advice.

All babies are checked by a paediatrician within the Hospital soon after birth and again prior to departure home. Although the woman and her baby have been discharged from hospital, it is expected that contact particularly with Fiona McIntosh would continue. Mainly, help is required regarding advice and support with breastfeeding and any other queries that arise.