Why is diagnostic laparoscopy offered?

Diagnostic laparoscopy is a useful method that will allow the doctor to diagnose or rule out causes that can cause pelvic pain, pain during intercourse or infertility difficulties. Diseases that can be diagnosed by laparoscopy are, endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammation, blocked fallopian tubes, subserosal fibroids, ovarian diseases etc.

  • What is Laparoscopy?
  • How is laparoscopy performed?
  • What are the possible complications after a laparoscopy?
  • Why is diagnostic laparoscopy offered?
  • What else can be done by laparoscopy?
  • What will I feel after the laparoscopy?
  • When can I go home?
  • When can I restart my daily activities?
  • Is it something else that I need to know?
    • Due date & Gestational age based on period

      Due date & Gestational age based on period

      Due Date Calculator based on Last Menstrual Period (LMP).
      Enter the first day of your Last Menstrual Period and the length of your cycle in order to estimate your Due Date and the gestational age at present.
      Note, all dates given are estimates; We will give you a more accurate indication of your due date when you have your 7-10 week ultrasound scan.

      Enter first day of last menstrual period:

      Length of menstrual period cycle:

    • Gestational Age based on Due Date

      Gestational Age based on Due Date

      Gestational Age based on the Due Date
      If you know your due date, you can calculate how many weeks of pregnancy you have completed so far.

      Enter your due date:

    • Fertility calculator

      Fertility calculator

      Enter the date of your last menstrual period and the length of your cycle to show the period at which you are most fertile.

      Date of your first day of your last menstrual period:

      Ferility Window: